A Building Going Up!

Monday, February 10 was the day the steel arrived. After months of necessary, but non-glamourous infrastructure, the actual building components arrived on 3 flatbed tractor trailers before dawn.

The steel team unloaded these first shipments and prepared for installation. Within days, the first floor structure quickly began to take shape. By the second week, most of the floor was framed in and you could begin to see the thoughtfully designed floor plan with corridors, unit groupings and spatial relationships.

The front and rear portions of the first floor have larger, open spans for the rental office and tenant space, respectively. These areas will have more substantial structural steel that will keep these spaces more open and have more natural light. The structural steel arrives on February 27th.  

The floor decking is mostly installed above the first floor and will be ready for the second floor concrete by the first week of March. Once this concrete deck adequately cures, the second floor installation will begin. 

View pictures of this process at the site!


A Second Floor and More!


Tying It All Together